
Non-Player Characters

Page history last edited by Michael 4 months, 1 week ago

  1. Aelwrin
  2. Aileena
  3. Alaric
  4. Andrette
  5. Annstad of Dunstop
  6. Akasta Ironspear
  7. Arick
  8. Argenteus Moonson
  9. Argrath
  10. Asborn Four-born Demonslayer
  11. Asmara
  12. Baranthos
  13. Belisarius
  14. Bettira the Blue
  15. Bisus
  16. Blueface
  17. Boreek Longtooth
  18. Boshbisil
  19. Bramble
  20. Brast
  21. Brightflower
  22. Brolare Handa
  23. Clatterhoof
  24. Corgamos Longstride
  25. Cragspider the Firewitch
  26. Dalom
  27. Danbar
  28. Dappled Light
  29. Darallyr Dead-Mane
  30. Daravalla
  31. Daresssa Lifeloom
  32. Deenth Eight-Fingers
  33. Delecti the Necromancer
  34. Delko
  35. Derdovar Best-deal
  36. Dernu
  37. Desulf Bear-Claw
  38. Deveval
  39. Drena
  40. Dunorl Brandgorsson
  41. Ealhstan
  42. Eirik Thunderhand
  43. Elara Deepwell
  44. Elira Benetdottir
  45. Elusu
  46. Emilia
  47. Elias ven Alorik
  48. Entarios the Supporter
  49. Envale Blossom-Eyes
  50. Erannina Chan
  51. Eraphion
  52. Ereneva Chan
  53. Ernaldesta the Vigorous
  54. Errol Silksword
  55. Erynn Mercy
  56. Estal Donge
  57. Farad the Toad
  58. Fazzur Wideread
  59. Flutterbye
  60. Ganarg Hawkeye
  61. Garstal Shave-Top
  62. Garveed Long-Rider
  63. Gata Kenrantu
  64. Georgia Earthlover
  65. Gernu
  66. Gidron
  67. Globulous
  68. Glyptus
  69. Gold-gotti
  70. Gonn Orta
  71. Gooseberry Sprig
  72. Gorpon Gray-Blade
  73. Gringblast Groaning-Shield
  74. Gringle Good-Sell
  75. Griselda
  76. Gunda the Guilty
  77. Halim The Bold
  78. Hal-Yan Monsterkiller
  79. Harnek
  80. Harrek the Berserk
  81. Harrulf
  82. Hastur the Lawspeaker
  83. Helakar Grim Dawn
  84. Hendira
  85. Hendroste
  86. Hengist
  87. Heortand Red-Liver
  88. Heortarl
  89. Heresis
  90. Holly Bright
  91. Hrill
  92. Ignatz
  93. Indelli
  94. Irinwydd Feathercloak
  95. Isidilian
  96. Inrana
  97. Insterid Fire-Eyes
  98. Ivarne Ever-Laughing
  99. Ivartha Skinner
  100. Jadetin the Avenger
  101. Jaldon Goldentooth
  102. Janeera
  103. Jarang Bladesong (I)
  104. Jarang (II)
  105. Jarang Storm-Khan
  106. Jar-Eel the Razoress
  107. Jarkanita Ab
  108. Jarmast Fool-hardy
  109. Jarorth Stillwords
  110. Jaspar Nashi
  111. Jocestis
  112. Joh Mith
  113. Jon-Bar
  114. Joreen Arithadottir
  115. Jorgrin
  116. Jorjera Latish
  117. Kajak-Ab Brain-Eater
  118. Kallai Hairybreeks
  119. Kallyr Starbrow
  120. Kanjozkan Zon
  121. Kanster
  122. Karazar
  123. Kareena
  124. Ketil Eriksbane
  125. Kokan the Onslaughterer
  126. Korak Wire-Cutter
  127. Korgar Bullroarer
  128. Korol Serpent-Tongue
  129. Leika Ballista
  130. Lindor
  131. Lola Kagan
  132. Londra of Londros
  133. Loreth
  134. Lucine
  135. Lyra Windleaf
  136. Mag Min
  137. Magarlotti Silverpen
  138. Magwyn
  139. Marbirus Tree-Friend
  140. Maroflo
  141. Mertekt
  142. Minaryth Purple
  143. Minug the Happy
  144. Moirades
  145. Mountain Yeller
  146. Mularik Ironeye, Baron of Sanuel
  147. Nackla Xaragang
  148. Namara
  149. Nameless Humakti
  150. Nargax
  151. Narrat Speed-Line
  152. Sir Narib
  153. Narvel Sweet-Voice
  154. Nelkark Whitefeathers
  155. Neep Troll-Killer
  156. Nox
  157. Ochla-molari
  158. Onela the Lowfire
  159. Onjur the Poet
  160. Opportunia
  161. Oranda Laugh-Or-Cry
  162. Oranyr One-Eye
  163. Orgwaha
  164. Orlaront Dragonfriend
  165. Orlmarl the Charioteer
  166. Orngerin Holdfast
  167. Orontes
  168. Orstalor Spear-Lord
  169. Orvald
  170. Ostakker Three-Scar
  171. Ottar Death-Wind
  172. Owen
  173. Oxus
  174. Pat
  175. Per Belvar
  176. Pharandros Tarsh-King
  177. Phargentes the Younger
  178. Poronial Wolf-Netter
  179. Porcala
  180. Pramble
  181. Quackling
  182. Rastulf the Ragged
  183. Reaches All
  184. Redbird
  185. Renharth Blackveins
  186. Robustus
  187. Rose Ameta
  188. Rostar
  189. Rudepebble Streamlord
  190. Rupert
  191. Rurik Runespear
  192. Sabarak
  193. Samastina
  194. Sarna Ya'qal
  195. Sarostip Cold-Eye
  196. Sarvenos
  197. Savan Kenstrelsson
  198. Senela Goldenroot
  199. Seviros
  200. Skall
  201. Skalvarth Ironblossom
  202. Skerry
  203. Skilfil Heartpiercer
  204. Slave To Lies
  205. Sorah Goodseller
  206. Soth Brightspear
  207. Squinch
  208. Stelvina
  209. Stormwarden Birdwatcher
  210. Sylvanthi Brighteyes
  211. Tabith
  212. Taklong Woodheart
  213. Tanx
  214. Tarkala the Lover
  215. Teren Jostavos
  216. Thinala
  217. Thinelda Mith
  218. Thom Bradison
  219. Three-For-The-Price-Of-One Leadmug
  220. Thrilla
  221. Thruka
  222. Tonalang Greathelm
  223. Torsten
  224. Tosti Runefriend
  225. Treya
  226. Trommi
  227. Tully
  228. Turbakkis Dreen
  229. Urana
  230. Valior Blue Fox
  231. Vamargic Eye-Necklace
  232. Vasana
  233. Vasilos Sarazzi
  234. Veena
  235. Veetho
  236. Verkus Portix
  237. Vestorfin
  238. Viborna
  239. Virgast
  240. Vonk Two-Oars
  241. Wild-Wheat
  242. Wilmarth
  243. Xena
  244. Yanioth Brandgorsdottir
  245. Yolanda Pure-Skin
  246. Yotani
  247. Yrsa Nightbeam

     Deities, dragons and other supernatural entities aren't included here; persons dead before the campaign began are usually not listed. Male humans of Sartar are assumed to be at least lay members of Orlanth; female humans, lay members of Ernalda. Information in strikeout font is not generally known.



  • a hero of the Lunar Empire, and a devoted follower of Jar-Eel the Razoress


  • priestess of Uleria at Apple Lane. She's 34 years of age, a member of the Hiording clan, and well-respected by the Colymar and Malani tribes. 


  • the famous, hot-headed son of Mularik Ironeye, Baron of Sanuel. A follower of Humakt, he slew Deveval the sword-duck of Apple Lane in Earth Season of 1627.


  • wife of the Sun Lord Oxus; she is a cousin of the Feathered Horse Queen, and a member of the Golden Bow spirit society. She's a skilled singer and bard.

Annstad of Dunstop

  • formerly a 7 Mothers initiate, but since 1625 YS he is an initiate of Orlanth Thunderous (joined at the Kero Fin temple); by 1630 he's a Wind Lord. He is the youngest son of Fazzur Wideread, amazingly handsome, and a notorious seducer of women. By 1627 he is one of the companions of Argrath. What's not well-known is his  mastery of Lunar Illumination.

Akasta Ironspear

  • khan of the Bull's Blood clan of the Bison tribe, and (around the time of the liberation of New Pavis) the paramount chief of the Bison Tribe in Prax.


  • the door-thane of Argrath, both at New Pavis, and later at Boldhome.

Argenteus Moonson

  • the Red Emperor, leader of the Lunar Empire.


  • A charismatic and mysterious young man (born 1599 YS), who forged the anti-Lunar alliance of the Praxian tribes which drove the Lunars out of Pavis -- by 1625 he's King of Pavis. By his appearance, tattoos, accent and customs he's a Sartarite Orlanthi -- it's not certain (late 1625) which tribe or clan he belongs to. He has joined other cults by 1625, and is leader of the White Bull Society in Prax. During the Lunar occupation of Pavis, he was present at times using the name Garrath Sharpsword.

       He's very fit, clean-shaven, left-handed, his eyes are orange, and his hair is red. He has boots which allow him to walk on any real surface (for instance, water), and a blue sword named Ormfang. He usually wears a sort of kilt/sarong, and sandals, with a sword scabbard over one shoulder.

      The Arkat rune is placed on his forehead, and the White Bull symbol is on his stomach; other recognizable runes included Air, Movement, Mastery, and Sartar (the sort of S-shaped rune on his left breast, with the three dots).


Also known as the Greg Rune.


The White Bull, King of Pavis.

One error: the King is left-handed. I would flip it,

but his tattoos are already on the "correct" arms/sides.


Asborn Four-born Demonslayer

  • High Priest of Orlanth Thunderous at Clearwine. Famous for being resurrected at least three times, and as one of Leika's companions.


  • a girl, 12 years old in early 1626 YS, living in Clearwine. Hastur the Law-speaker pays particular attention to her. Currently a servant-girl for Lagertha and Sorala.


  • a Wind Lord, chieftain of the important Ernaldori tribe around Clearwine; son of Dunorl the Old, nephew of Yanioth.


  • a Lunar rune lord, commander of the bandits/renegades in the Rainbow Mound. Captured and ransomed in Fire Season 1625.

Bettira the Blue

  • high priestess of Oslira at Furthest. She has great authority despite her youth.


  • he was a minion of Xena the Judex of Durbaddath, captured along with her in 1630, and freed in 1631 by the Intriguers. 


  • a famous and powerful shaman-priest of the Balazarings; he's thought to be centuries old. He dropped out of sight in 1624 YS. His most recent apprentice is Namara.

Boreek Longtooth

  • a powerful baboon shaman usually found at Monkey Ruin, in Prax.


  • a giant Issaries priest, living at Gonn Orta's trading post in the Rockwood Mountains.


  • a grizzled middle-aged Humakti, officially head of the Office of Weights and Measures at Boldhome after Argrath becomes prince. Actually he's a liaison between Argrath and various adventuring groups, spies, and agents (not the only such liaison, either). He's probably Illuminated.


  • a large air elemental, assigned by Orlanth to rescue Varsin


  • owner of the Tin Inn at Apple Lane, which she inherited from her parents; she's famed for her fruit and barley wines. She is betrothed to Baugi since Earth Season of 1625. She's an initiate of Ernalda, and a lay member of Issaries. Age 24 in 1625, a member of the Varmandi clan.

Brolare Handa

  • a Serdrodosan "earth witch", and the only full shaman of the Hiording clan. She lives in a secluded hut near Swanton.


  • a minotaur initiate of the Lady of the Wilds, in the Beast Valley.

Corgamos Longstride

  • leader of the Lysang clan, son of Envale Blossom-eyes.

Cragspider the Firewitch

  • a dark troll hero; she lives in the mountains north of Dragon Pass. Rumor has it that she is even older than the dragons ... maybe not.


  • a tergavi (priest-shaman) of the Telmori, he's sometimes found at Boldhome.


  • captain of the Wardens of the Lost Valley.

Dappled Light

  • a centaur mare, and priestess of Arachne Solara, in the Beast Valley.

Darallyr Dead-Mane

  • a Vingan born around 1570, Shepherd of the Lysang clan, companion of Kallyr, and friendly to the Colymar tribe.


  • senior assistant priestess of Ernalda at the Clearwine Earth temple. Has quite a temper.

Daresssa Lifeloom

  • Chalanna Arroy Healer, living at Red Bird. She is married to Gringblast Groaning-Shield, a Storm Khan. She's working on a tapestry which can be used in healing rituals.

Deenth Eight-Fingers

  • a Rune lord of Waha, and fairly senior in the Flint Wind clan of the Bison Tribe.

Delecti the Necromancer

  • an ancient magician, living in the Upland Marsh. He transfers his spirit into freshly-slain corpses, and is possibly immortal. He is served by the Dancers in the Dark, and creates all sorts of undead monsters to serve him.


  • a dwarf craftsman living in Furthest, operating a shop selling all sorts of lamps, lanterns, chandeliers, etc. (including a few magical items); he has a couple of assistant dwarves, as well.

Derdovar Best-deal

  • senior priest of Issaries at Swenstown. He's often consulted by caravan-master when hiring guards, guides, etc. Bargain skill 110%.


Desulf Bear-Claw

  • high priest of Orlanth Thunderous at Boldhome.


  • an 18 year old (in 1627) duck initiate of Humakt, from the Durulz tribe. He's big and muscular (for a duck:  STR 10, SIZ 7). He'd followed undead up the Swan River, to Vinga's Ford; after the battle there, he's become a resident of Apple Lane (not certain that it's permanent yet). Besides a broadsword and dagger, he has a composite helm, cuirboilli and a linothorax embroidered/quilted with impressive human muscles.


  • a young human priestess of Argan Argar, sent from the Shadow Plateaus to establish a minor temple of Argan Argar at Dykene.

Dunorl Brandgorsson

  • Storm Voice of Orlanth at the Lightbringer temple in Clearwine. Age 75 in 1625, a major political figure with famous relatives, two older brothers were kings, going all the way back to before the Lunar occupation.  Father of Baranthos, the chieftain of the (local to Clearwine) Elnaldoring Clan, and brother of Yanioth. Also known as "Dunorl the Old".


  • a Hsunchen shaman in Balazar, of the Corvidae tribe; he's the mentor of Berengar.

Eirik Thunderhand

  • an Orlanthi Wind Lord, the first captain of the Boldhome constabulary under Argrath. Incorruptible.

Elara Deepwell

  • one of the priestesses of Chalana Arroy at Boldhome, famed for her compassion and healing skills. She was born in a small, quiet village in Sartar.

Elira Benetdottir

  • an un-married Ernalda priestess, looking for a husband; she presumably has given birth to at least one child.


  • a Praxian woman (possibly of the High Llama tribe) and powerful priestess of Eurmal; she will be teaching trickster magic to Argrath for his Sartar Magical Union, and is one of his companions and advisors. "A silver-tongued liar, murderess, toad, madwoman, and villainess" according to many, and almost certainly Illuminated. 


  • a beautiful young Orlanthi, intended as bride for Jarang, but killed on her wedding day by a falling chunk of the Sky Dome.

Elias ven Alorik

  • he was a minion of Xena the Judex of Durbaddath, captured along with her in 1630. 

Entarios the Supporter

  • high priestess (Queen) of the Greenstone Earth temple. Supposedly, every man she has ever backed has won his battle or quest. A very politically and religiously powerful person, but she now is careful about who she favors. See Sartar - Kingdom of Heroes.

Envale Blossom-Eyes

  • of the Lysang clan; an Esrolan initiate and chief priestess of Arfritha (the local land goddess, niece of Orgorvale, a sister goddess to Esrola), mother of Corgamos Longstride.

Erannina Chan

  • an Axe Sister of Babeester Gor at Clearwine, daughter of Beneva Chan (priestess of Ernalda) and former King Kallai Rockbuster (d. 1613 YS), sister to Ereneva (and to Kangharl Blackmoor), and a cousin to Queen Leika. She thinks Kallyr Starbrow is foolish and bad luck.


  • eldest son of King Glyptus of Elkoi; he was placed on the throne during Fire Season 1630 in a coup led by Berengar, the Crow shaman. He's a Donandar initiate, and spent about a decade wandering in Dragon Pass after fleeing Elkoi circa 1620. Known as Errap Barbacon during his self-imposed exile, he will rule Elkoi as King Errap (Eraphion is a Lunar, or Lunarized, name).

Ereneva Chan

  • young High Priestess of Ernalda at Clearwine; daughter of Beneva Chan (priestess of Ernalda) and former King Kallai Rockbuster (d. 1613 YS), sister to Erannina (and to Kangharl Blackmoor), and a cousin of Queen Leika. A member of the Ernaldori tribe, she is responsible for the clan's magic, land and crops. She has a daughter.

Ernaldesta the Vigorous

  • a famous Ernaldan healer, and one of Kallyr Starbrow's questing companions. Of the Elkenvale clan of the Culbrea.

Errol Silksword

  • a famous Sword of Humakt, once part of the temple of the Wooden Sword.

Erynn Mercy

  • the high priestess of Chalana Arroy at Jonstown, and the most famous healer in Sartar.

Estal Donge

  • close companion of King Temertain of Sartar from 1613 until his death, she's the sister of King Pharandros of Tarsh, and niece of Fazzur Wideread. She survived the Dragonrise and returned to Tarsh soon afterwards. She's thoroughly Lunar, educated in Sylila and Glamour, and an initiate of Irrippi Ontor. 

Farad the Toad

  • a particularly obnoxious Eurmal priest, found in the company of Argrath.

Fazzur Wideread

  • famous Lunar general, who sometimes led the remnants of the Lunar armies in Dragon Pass. He was from the Tarshite aristocracy; his youngest son is Annstad of Dunstop. He was the uncle of Estal Donge, and of King Pharandros; the two developed a bitter rivalry before 1626. He took part in Pharandros' invasion of Sartar in Fire Season 1626, but was repulsed by the King's tactics and lack of good sense -- Fazzur soon led a civil war in Tarsh against Pharandros after that failed campaign. He was assassinated in late Sea Season of 1629.


  • a Wind Child working with Argrath's forces as a messenger and scout

Ganarg Hawkeye

  • age 29, the "chief hawk trainer of Dykene; a Yelmalian initiate.

Garstal Shave-Top

  • a Lhankor Mhy scholar, and apprentice to Minaryth Purple. Garstal is wise in the ways of Draconic Lore.

Garveed Long-Rider

  • a Praxian of the Flint Wind clan of the Bison Tribe; he's a senior Waha initiate, married to Vara and Krana.

Gata Kenrantu

  • a shaman-priest of Waha, among the Flint Wind clan of the Bison Tribe.

Georgia Earthlover

  • leader of the Orlevings clan, part of the Malani tribe.



  • a young cow-herd of the Lysang clan.


  • a rich, corrupt Etyries merchant from the Lunar Heartland, associated with the Moon And Sea; he was involved in the introduction of the drug blacksap to various areas within the Lunar Empire.


  • king of the Balazaring tribe (and citadel) of Elkoi until Fire Season 1630, born circa 1587 YS. A weak, timid and corrupt tool of the Lunar Empire, he fled when his son Eraphion arrived with a Balazaring army. He's probably somewhere in the Heartland afterwards.


  • an Issaries priest, a native of Nochet, and perhaps the richest non-ruling human in Dragon Pass. He has been an adviser and arms merchant for King Broyan, Queen Samastina, and lately for King Argrath of Pavis. He arrived in Karse circa 1590 YS with the first ship to bring goods from Kralorela since the Opening of the Oceans -- porcelain, jade, and (especially) silk. Bargain skill well over 100%; he's very good at Insight, Intrigue, and other "high level politics" skills.

Gonn Orta

  • a giant 150 meters tall, perhaps the largest on Genertela; he's a merchant living in the Eastern Rockwood Mountains.

Gooseberry Sprig

  • a duck initiate of Eurmal, the cook at the Tin Inn at Apple Lane.

Gorpon Gray-Blade

  • a Sartarite Orlanthi, exiled to Pavis by the Lunars. He became a notable adventurer and expedition-leader in and around the Rubble. Argrath appointed him commander of the Thieves' Arm. A cautious and pessimistic fellow, but very wise in ambush, concealment and scouting.

Gringblast Groaning-Shield

  • a Storm Khan of Storm Bull, married to Daressa Lifeloom. He lived at Runegate during the Lunar occupation. He owns a showy magical codpiece, which is a matrix for the Face Dragons divine spell.

Gringle Good-Sell

  • a former priest of Issaries at Apple Lane, driven out by the Lunars during the occupation. He died at an advanced age during the siege of Nochet.


  • a Sartarite Vingan, and secretly a follower of Lanbril. Born 1592, she's a short, beautiful and dangerous thief. From 1616 to circa 1622 she was in Pavis, where she was caught up on Argrath's plots, and took part in the Defense of the Cradle. When Argrath became King of Pavis, she fled back to Sartar, and went into hiding. She has a lot of connections.

Gunda the Guilty

  • a beautiful, cruel and dangerous pirate, and chief lieutenant of Harrek. She has pale skin and long white hair; she's in a Death cult (not Humakt). Her "guilt" certainly isn't a personal feeling!

Halim The Bold

  • A noble of the Bilini, husband to the daughter of the Talastaring King Bolthor Brighteyes (aka Bolthor the Fat), father to twelve children (though few have lived past their early teens). He's a Wind Lord of Orlanth, and a skilled heroquester. The choice of tribal king was between him or Ketil Eriksbane in 1630.

Hal-Yan Monsterkiller

  • a grim and famous Humakti, who wanders the world protecting the weak and killing monsters. He claims to be the reincarnation of a Dawn Age hero. Lately, he's been assisting King Argrath of Pavis.


  • a handsome young fellow, with a fine singing voice, seen at Clearwine

Harrek the Berserk

  • a very famous, and amazingly dangerous, pirate, mercenary, and half-mad demigod. He's famed for his fighting power and skill, and for his short temper.

  • Massive and very muscular, 2.6 meters tall, with dark skin and long black hair and bear; he looks to be in his mid-40s. He has a few tattoos -- Air, Mastery, Death and Beast at least -- but many scars, and wears a ragged leather kilt, a wide leather belt, and some leather wrist-wraps. Three or four small amulets hang from his belt; he has a necklace of many fangs and teeth. Most impressively, the skin of a white bear is draped over his shoulders, with the head atop his own head, and the clawed paws resting on his own hands. The eyes move, the nose sniffs, the ears twitch -- it is the living skin of a god!

  • He was born into a bear-Hsunchen tribe in Rathorela -- where the largest populations of Hsunchen in the world live. Taken to the Lunar Empire as a slave, he became a gladiator-assassin, and (in 1607 YS) slew the Emperor! Upon returning to his homeland, he slew the White Bear and bound the god's spirit into its own skin. He became the leader of a raiding army, and then joined and took control of the Wolf Pirates (who call him Harrek War-Bear and Champion of Ygg), and led their fleet on  a circumnavigation of the world.

  • Argrath the White Bull, sailing on the famous Giant Cradle, met Harrek at sea in 1621; the pirate fleet sailed around all the oceans of the world. He has claimed, and abandoned or given to associates, several thrones.

          The pirate fleet returned to the coast of the Holy Country in 1624, and Harrek (loosely allied with Argrath) led the corsairs into several famous battles in Dragon Pass, and plundered the City of Wonders. His "capital" is on the Three Step Islands; his flagship is named the Ice Serpent.

          Gunda the Guilty is his chief lieutenant.


  • an awakened dog shaman from Vanch, a companion to Verkus.

Hastur the Lawspeaker

  • the senior Lhankor Mhy in the Colymar tribe; an advisor to Leika, and mentor to Sorala.

Helakar Grim Dawn

  • an Elmal rune lord, Champion of the Lysang clan, and a "power behind the throne" in that clan. He gets along well with Humakti. He and clan oracle Envale Blossom-Eyes had sacrificed the previous clan chieftain on an Ernaldan altar (not the Dark Altar).


  • a rogue Ernaldan, from Esrolia, infested with Chaos, and working with the Lunar bandits in the Rainbow Mounds. Killed in Fire Season 1625. She was the sister of Annstad of Dunstop!


  • the horse-master at Apple Lane. Age 25, he came from the Pure Horse People; he's an initiate of Orlanth Adventurous.


  • a Heortlander, commander of the Brotherhood of Death, a Humakti regiment in Argrath's "Army of the Bull". He has an Arkat rune tattoo on his forehead.



Heortand Red-Liver

  • an Issaries priest, and Steward of the Lysang clan.


  • a young Varmandi cow-herd, much impressed by Lagertha


  • a Carmanian Sword of Humakt, and companion of Verkus. He dresses in black (very typical of Humakti), and carries a "showy magic item" (an iron sword).

Holly Bright

  • the High Priestess of Chalanna Arroy at Clearwine.


  • a roc, met by the Lopers at Gonn Orta's trading post in the Rockwood Mountains -- but that place wasn't her home.


  • a Trickster priest in Furthest, favoring the Beggar aspect. His "temple" (a mobile shrine, really) is found in back alleys, and offers the Detach Leg rune spell.


  • initiate of Ernalda; daughter of Verinos the Old, former chief of the Taraling clan, and sister of Seviros. Normally found at Runegate. 

Irinwydd Feathercloak


  • known usually as "The Dwarf", he lives at and rules the Dwarf Mine near Snakepipe Hollow.


  • queen of Holay since 1614 YS, unmarried at the start of the Hero Wars. She's the high priestess of Redayla, a horse goddess, and sits on the Horse Throne in Filichet.

  • at some point between 1625 and 1631 or so, she has a daughter and likely heir; Inrana swears her daughter will marry "the king of the world," normally a title of Orlanth.

Insterid Fire-Eyes

  • a Vingan member of the Kheldon tribe, with interesting perception abilities (as "the watchman" in quests); which enabled her to survive. She was very loyal to Kallyr, and took part in her final heroquest.

Ivarne Ever-Laughing

  • the Ernaldan priestess of Apple Lane. Single, with two sons:  Fararan age 2, and Kalsar 3 months old. From the Owl Clan of the Locaem Tribe, friend of Joreen. The Raven clan is a rival clan within the Locaem, so she looks suspiciously at Kirova.

Ivartha Skinner

  • queen of the Cinsina tribe; a gruff, experienced Vingan in her 50s. She is a famous foe of the Telmori, and has two score guards, the Skinners, all with cloaks made from werewolf hides.

Jadetin the Avenger

  • From just after the Dragonrise, in 1625, he became the Luminous Stallion King of the Grazelands. He hates the Lunars.

Jaldon Goldentooth

  • an ancient hero in Prax, who led the rebel alliance against the Lunars in 1625. All of his teeth are shining gold, he rides a strange beast, and he hates cities. Somehow Argrath has temporarily lifted the curse which kept Jaldon out of Prax.


  • an intiate of both Uleria and Ernalda, she is in service at the Apple Lane temple of Uleria. Age 21, a member of the Ernaldoring clan.

Jarang Bladesong (I)

  • An Orlanthi warrior, companion of Argrath and trusted with important military missions. Probably a Rune lord by 1625. Long dark hair, lots of swords and knives.

Jarang (II)

  • a 16 year old boy from Cawdor, near Alda Chur, and eldest son of the thane. His father was slain in mysterious circumstances, and his bride Emilia was crushed at his wedding by a chunk of the Sky Dome! He denounced all Orlanthi, and declared his support for the Lunars.

Jarang Storm-Khan

  • a Rune lord of Storm Bull, leader of the re-established temple at Jonstown. A member of the Taraling clan of the Colymar tribe.

Jar-Eel the Razoress

  • a hero of the Lunar Empire.

Jarkanita Ab

  • A Mistress Race troll, rumored to have been behind the migration of trolls to Pavis long ago. She has a stronghold on the outskirts of the Castle of Lead, and is presumably allied with, or subservient to, Cragspider. She's also interested in recovering the Adamantine Claws and (at least) using them to undo the Trollkin Curse.

Jarmast Fool-hardy

  • An agent of Argrath's in New Pavis. A Heortling in his mid-twenties, he's been a Rune priest of Eurmal for a couple of years, and is a member or associate of the Eaglebrown Warlocks. Notably unfunny since about 1624. He knows the "Form of a Brick" Rune spells.

Jarorth Stillwords

  • a Lhankor Mhy sage, and Lawgiver of the Lysang clan. He's friendly to the Colymar tribe.

Jaspar Nashi

  • an initiate of Humakt, specifically of the Hiia Swordsman sub-cult, at Queen's Post.


  • born into a minor Pelorian noble house, she was married circa 1604 YS to Glyptus, who was then crowned as king of Elkoi -- a tiny barbarian tribe in the wild ans savage land of Balazar. In Fire Season 1630, she and her husband were driven from Balazar by an uprising (led by her son Eraphion), and returned to Peloria.

Joh Mith

  • a Sartarite priest of Issaries (and the Gultha the Wanderer subcult), who made an annual trip across the Rockwood Mountains into Balazar (north in Fire Season, south in Earth Season) every year until he retired. Besides the "usual" Balazarings, he managed to conduct trade with the Hsunchen tribes of that wild and dangerous land, the Alrayami of the Vale of Flowers, plus the Bee Tribe of trolls on the way to Balazar. He's a fat, jovial fellow, very charismatic. His wife is Zix Porub. Bargain skill 120%.


  • a thief in Furthest, red-haired with nine fingers; he's a member of some "not exactly Lanbril" cult.

Joreen Arithadottir

  • daughter of the high priestess Aritha (a member of the Locaem tribal council).  Likely future queen of the Locaem.

  • a member of both the Orlanth and Ernalda cults

  • befriended by Lagertha during Earth Season 1626, at the Festival of the Three Winds.


  • proprietor of the New Stone Inn, at Farfield

Jorjera Latish

  • Chief Librarian of Lhankor Mhy at Jonstown (since about 1625); daughter of Gavial Latish (of New Pavis). She arrived in Jonstown from New Pavis circa 1621. She's an expert in Sartarite clan and tribal histories and disputes.

Kajak-Ab Brain-Eater

  • a Mistress Race troll, and follower of Kyger Litor. A foe of Vamargic Eye-Necklace. Flourished in the 13th Century YS.

Kallai Hairybreeks

  • a warrior of the Cinsina tribe, and sometime lover of Queen Ivartha. He's a famous foe of the Lunar Empire.

Kallyr Starbrow

  • Prince of Sartar, and a famous Heroquester, she is Queen of the Kheldon tribe. She's known to have visited a star during a Heroquest, and gained a marvelous magic crystal which holds power and spells, and can lead her (or her soul) back to that star at any time. During the later part of the Lunar occupation (at least) she was with King Broyan at Whitewall, and took part in the Battle of the Auroch Hills. She and her companions raised the dragon which devoured many Lunar soldiers and magicians at Boldhome in 1625. Very strong and proud, she attempts to maintain justice, but is haughty and volatile, and easily provoked into shouting and accusations. Killed in the Battle of the Queens, on Gods Day, Movement Week, Fire Season 1626 YS; attempts to Resurrect her over the next few weeks failed.

Kanjozkan Zon

  • a dark troll initiate of Argan Argar and Lhankor Mhy whose specialty is languages and speaking ...


  • His titles are Sword of Karkajan, and Son of Urox; he's the leader of the Storm Bulls guarding the block. He is a middle-aged Impala tribe member, dark-skinned and only 1.5 meters tall, but a capable and dangerous Storm Khan none-the-less.


  • young king of Dykene, in Balazar, placed on the throne by the Lopers. He's an ally of Argrath, and (after 1627) an initiate of Argan Argar. Born in 1610, he is the sole surviving legitimate child of King Skilfil (there are several acknowledged illegitimate children). His mother died during his birth. In 1617 he was kidnapped by Ghondol Host (who claimed to be an Issaries initiate) and rescued by the Red Rock clan of the Trilus tribe. Besides Balazaring, he speaks pretty good Tradetalk, and some Tarshite and Fire Speech; after 1627, he becomes gradually fluent in Darktongue.


  • God-talker of Orlanth Thunderous at Apple Lane. She's 55 years old, a member of the Hiording clan.

Ketil Eriksbane

  • a tall, powerful Wind Lord of Orlanth, and formerly the tribal champion of the Bilini. After the Battle of the Hold in 1630, and the deaths of the Bilini king Hakon, and of Oddi the Keen, he was the leading candidate to become king of the Bilini tribe, and won election to the kingship. 

Kokan the Onslaughterer

  • A Sword of Humakt at the New Pavis temple, and a Praxian of the Bison people. Has 10 RP.

Korak Wire-Cutter

  • A famous iron-smith; he works alone at a cave on the flanks of Humakt's Hill. He's a Sword of Humakt, and a notable member of the Inginew Redson sub-cult. He's beyond middle-aged, and a bit of an oddball and crotchety. He wears white robes. 

Korgar Bullroarer

  • a Storm Khan, leader of the Storm Bull cult in Boldhome after circa 1626. A burly man in his early 40s with a thick beard and intense eyes. His arms are covered in ritual scars, and he wears a necklace of bull teeth. Fairly cautious and thoughtful

Korol Serpent-Tongue

  • high priest of Orlanth for the Varmandi tribe, and also tribal chief; usually found at Oakton.

Leika Ballista

  • High Priestess of Orlanth Rex at Clearwine, and Vingan Wind Lady. The 27th Queen of the Colymar tribe, and a member of the Taraling clan; the Chan sisters, Ereneva and Erannina, are her cousins, as is Londra of Londros. She was driven out of Sartar during the Lunar occupation, and lived with King Broyan; she helped kill the Crimson Bat. A skilled archer. She reclaimed her rights as queen after the Brown Dragon ate Kangharl Blackmoor in 1625. She's a skilled and fearsome archer; in addition, she carries the Black Spear (which contains the tribal wyter's spirit) and the harp Jewelled Notes (an extremely valuable and powerful item).


  • a Humakti member of the High Llama Tribe.

Lola Kagan

  • a dark troll priestess of Kyger Litor, an adventurer of the Indigo tribe, based at Dagori Inkarth.

Londra of Londros

  • a famous member of the Arnoring clan of the Colymar tribe, daughter of the (former) clan chief. She's a Rune Sword of Humakt and a Rune Priest of Orlanth, serving at Old Wind Temple (as the priest of Humakt there). Born 1598 YS. 


  • secretary to Verkus.


  • a member of the faculty at the Lunar College of Magic, a thousand years old (i.e., more than twice as old as the Lunar Empire itself). He's an accomplished sorcerer and vampire.

Lyra Windleaf

  • an initiate of Ernalda at the Boldhome temple. Friend of Holly.

Mag Min

  • a dark troll priestess of Vaneekara, the troll goddess of throwing. She's quite skilled with slings. In Boldhome, she's in charge of security at the Argan Argar temple.

Magarlotti Silverpen

  • high priest of Irripi Ontor at Furthest. A very old man, born in Vanch. He's a good friend of Dagius Purius, the provincial chief of intelligence.


  • an elderly "retired" priestess of Ernalda at Boldhome, and grandmother of Bronwyn, Serawyn, and Owen. Moved on to hero or demigod status in Sea Season 1627.

Marbirus Tree-Friend

  • a devoted supporter of the Fazzurite faction in Tarsh; specifically he is the liaison between Onjur the Poet and the secret resistance to Pharandros in Furthest, at least in mid-1632. He position is precarious, and he must employ guile and ruthlessness to remain unsuspected and alive.


  • a young member of the Fazzurite royal family, and in fact nephew to both Onjur and Annstad.


  • a Sword of Humakt at Boldhome; a mystic, and Illuminated; he's been a follower of Arkat's teachings, among others.

Minaryth Purple

  • a famous Lhankor Mhy sage of the Jonstown library, and a skilled heroquester -- he was the "Caster" among Kallyr Starbrow's Companions. He instructed the original core members of the Eleven Lights, but died in the Dragonrise. His apprentice was Garstal Shave-Top.

Minug the Happy

  • shrieve (chief constable) of Furthest. 


  • previous king of Tarsh (b. 1558, r. 1579-ca. 1610). Had children with Harsta Blacktooth, the Feathered Horse Queen, and Jar-Eel (mother of Pharandros). The date of his death is somewhat in dispute ... it might be as late as 1613.

Mountain Yeller

  • a 30 meter tall giant, who lives near Larnste's Table.

Mularik Ironeye, Baron of Sanuel

  • a companion of Argrath from the famous voyage around the world. He's a powerful Malkioni sorcerer of the Stygian Heresy, and deeply initiated into the cult of Arkat. Not seen in Dragon Pass or Prax after 1624 -- until he returns in 1626 or so to swear loyalty to Argrath. He has two sons, Alaric (a famous and hot-headed Humakti) and Kelenic.

Nackla Xaragang

  • high priestess of Argan Argar in New Pavis. 


  • a famous shaman in Balazar, formerly an apprentice to Blueface. She hates foreign gods, and is trying to drive them out of Balazar - "Support The Wild, Drive Out The Foreign And Civilized". Some Balazaring clans, and the Bear tribe of Hsunchen, were especially receptive to her plans. She was embarassed by Blueface, and disappeared in 1628.

Nameless Humakti

  • First Sword of the Clearwine Humakt temple and Champion of the Colymar tribe, devoted to serving Queen Leika; she was once part of the temple of the Wooden Sword. She's seven feet tall, clad in 11 ENC of iron armor, and perhaps the most skilled Humakti in Sartar.


  • a Mistress Race troll of the Shadow Plateau, a representative of the Eldest Kin. She wears dark purple robes, arrived, and speaks excellent Trade Talk.

Narrat Speed-Line

  • An Orlanthi wyrm, who assisted Baugi and other Heroes in their travels to and from New Pavis.

Sir Narib

  • leader of a group of sorcerer-mercenaries from the destroyed kingdom of Malkonwal. His company entered Argrath's service after the Battle of Pennel Ford. He's handsome, in his 40s, with braided brown hair and a red beard. The Malkonwal accent is considered sexy by Heortling-speakers!

Narvel Sweet-Voice

  • a Sartarite initiate of Orlanth Adventurous; he works in areas all over Dragon Pass.

Nelkark Whitefeathers

  • male townsbird of Sartar, Rune duck of Humakt. Age 30. He is written up in Rune Masters, pg. 30. 

Neep Troll-Killer

  • a Humakti trollkin, active in Sartar (he's also a member of Geo's). He leads a band of escaped trollkin, never drinks alcohol, seduces dark troll women, and gets along fine with humans (but not elves).


  • a rune lord of Thanatar, he was engaged in a massive breeding/reincarnation project. After he captured Yolanda Pure-Skin, the Apple Land hero-band sought him out; he was slain by Bronwyn in Fertility Week of Sea Season, 1628 YS.


  • the Sultan (or Satrap) of Oraya, and head of the Molari-sor clan. He's a fat hedonist, involved with some strange non-Lunar cults.

Onela the Lowfire

  • she is a recent (circa 1625) Donandar initiate, and a skilled singer. She has a sort-of romantic, sort-of professional relationship with Jaranik.

Onjur the Poet

  • a son of Fazzur Wideread, leader of the Fazzurite faction in Tarsh after his father's death, and a Rune lord of the Seven Mothers cult. His younger brother (by a different mother) is Annstad; his sister is Hendira. In 1622, Onjur was part of a military force raised to oppose a Tusk Rider invasion; he personally slew the Half-Troll King in single combat at the Battle of the Porkers. He swore a vendetta against Pharandros for the assassination of his father and other clan-members.

  • He made a claim to the throne of the Exiles, but the Shaker high priestesses chose Unstey instead. 




  • a Vingan warrior, weapon-master at Apple Lane. Poor, with no notable magic items. Shes from the Ernaldori tribe, and is a distant relative of the clan leader. Known to be particularly obsequious towards Queen Leika Ballista.

Oranda Laugh-Or-Cry

  • a famous singer, and one of Kallyr Starbrow's Companions. She is of the White Quartz clan of the Aranwyth tribe (they live around the town of Toena).

Oranyr One-Eye

  • chieftainess of the Silverwolf clan of the Telmori tribe; her wolf-sister was slain by Lagertha. She's part of the "Jewel of Sartar" oath.


  • The last Storm Khan in Boldhome during the Lunar occupation. He later assisted Argrath during the conquest of New Pavis, including providing special spirits to defend the White Bull. Presumably born before 1590, perhaps much earlier.

Orlaront Dragonfriend

  • a companion to powerful people (including Argrath), a Heroquester, and a draconic magician. A man in his late 40s, his  eyes are jade in color, his tongue is split, his skin is brown with a faint scaley nature, and draconic tattoos overlaid many of his "original" tribal and cult tattoos. He was the "Scout" among Kallyr Starbrow's companions during many of her quests, assisting with the awakening of the Brown Dragon -- but was exiled by Kallyr before her death. He had a key role in assisting Argrath in setting up the Sartar Magical Union.

Orlmarl the Charioteer

  • a member of the Culbrea tribe, and Rune priest of Mastakos the Mover (the Charioteer of Orlanth); his skin is bright blue. His magics and heroquest abilities allow groups to move faster. He serves Argrath Whitebull.

Orngerin Holdfast

  • a member of the Cinsina tribe, a Storm Voice, and a very trusted follower of Kallyr Starbrow. He and Orstalor were the only survivors of Kallyr's bodyguards during her final heroquest, the rest had been mowed down by Jar-Eel and her minions.


  • a prince from Tarsh, and a Rune lord of Yanafil Tarnils. Very handsome and dashing in appearance, prone to melodramatic gestures. He is a nephew of Pharandros, sent to serve as a hostage in Fazzur's forces at Dangerford in Fire Season 1626. Defeated by Bronwyn in a rather anticlimactic duel.

Orstalor Spear-Lord

  • a famous rebel, he is an Elmali of very common birth, and revered by fyrd-militias across Sartar. He took part in Kallyr Starbrow's last heroquest. By 1626, he is a military commander in Argrath's Sartar Free Army.


  • the ostler at Farfield.

Ostakker Three-Scar

  • proprieter of the Stabbing Cat Inn, of Dykene.

Ottar Death-Wind

  • a Kolating shaman for the Isolting clan of the Malani tribe; he's on the clan council.


  • an Issaries trader at Boldhome. Brother to Bronwyn and Sarawyn, grandson of Magwyn.


  • Sun Lord of Yu-Kargzant (probably Yelm or Yelmalio), and chieftain of the Four Gifts Clan within the Grazelanders. Husband of Andrette; he has a shaman as an allied spirit, Sabarak.


  • a recently-added initiate of Uleria at the Apple Lane temple.

Per Belvar

  • Sword of Humakt, specifically of the Hiia Swordsman sub-cult, at Queen's Post.

Pharandros Tarsh-King

  • King of Tarsh since about 1613 YS (regent from 1610), son of Moirades and nephew of Fazzur Wideread. A bitter foe of his uncle Fazzur, and now engaged in an civil war. He's rumored to be possessed by the spirit of his father. He's a member of the cults of Yelm and various Lunar religions.

Phargentes the Younger

  • the youngest child of King Moraides of Tarsh; his mother was Jar-Eel the Razoress. He's named for his grandfather. Born in 1611, a few seasons after the death of his father.

  • He's half-brother to King Pharandros, whose mother was Harsta Blacktooth (a sister of Fazzur Wideread); and also half-brother to Inkarne, the Feathered Horse Queen better known as "Reaches All", whose mother was Virkala Tor.  

Poronial Wolf-Netter

  • a Lhankor Mhy of the Culbrea tribe.


  • a tusk rider, and healer of Chalanna Arroy! Her band were driven off from Apple Lane by Our Heroes.


  • an poet who lives at the Tin Inn in Apple Lane. He's 76 years old in 1625, and initiated into Ernalda and the Sisters of Inspiration. He is from Boldhome.


  • a duck initiate of Orlanth, probably of some thieving subcult of Orlanth Adventurous.

Rastulf the Ragged

  • A middle-aged fellow, who claimed to have a Praxian mother and a Sartarite father, and to know the wastes "like my own backside". He works as a caravan guide and guard.

Reaches All

  • The current Feathered Horse Queen; her pre-regnal name was Inkarne. Her reign began in 1625 YS, just after the Dragonrise; her father was Moirades Tarsh-King.


  • a human sorcerer from the Holy Country, allegedly not an initiate of any cult. He was a companion of Leika Ballista, and he was an advisor of Prince Temertain. By the end of the Lunar occupation, he was rumored to be a prisoner of Cragspider.

Renharth Blackveins

  • the senior Sword of Humakt in Boldhome.  Born in 1594 in Boldhome to crafter parents, he was part of an Orlanthi bandit/rebel group as a teen. He was captured by Lunar troops, and became a slave to a Yanafil Tarnils officer. Given his freedom after a few years, he joined the cult of Humakt in the Lismelder lands, fighting the undead monsters of the Upland Marsh for more than five years. He joined with Kallyr's forces, and became the First Sword at Boldhome after the Lunars were driven out.

  • He's very devoted to Humakt, and follows the sub-cult of Humakt Indomitable. He has a rivalry with Sarostip Cold-eye, and despises what he knows of Arkat False-Son. He commands a group of nightmare spirits.

  • Obvious geasa:  never ride any animal; remain silent during Fertility week; never eat vegetables (there may be others).

  • His sword/allied spirit Liberator and armor are iron; he's got several other magical items. He carries a large shield, and a few war-darts; he will usually fight with a bronze broadsword, saving Liberator for Significant Battles or duels.

  • His sword-boy is Challaren (a competent female Humakti, age 38); a young cousin, Heort Left-Foot, also accompanies Renharth.


  • a Lunar champion, large and handsome, but he failed in his duel versus Lagertha in Fire Season 1626.

Rose Ameta

  • a senior priestess of Ernalda at the Grace Temple in Nochet. She's met and is familiar with Berengar.


  • a whirlwind seen in the Whistling Caves heroquest; he's a poor wrestler.

Rudepebble Streamlord

  • a duck, and rune lord of the River Gods at Duck Point. Has an aluminum-bladed spear.


  • a duck of Duckpoint, who presents himself as dashing, swashbuckling and the gods' gift to human women. He's mostly wrong.

Rurik Runespear

  • a famous Yelmalian from Sun County. In 1627 he is appointed as Count of the Sun County. By 1627 he's a companion of Argrath, and know for his mastery of "Many Suns".


  • the allied spirit of the Sun Lord Oxus, of the Grazelands; he's a shaman, and rides a horse.


  • a young Esrolian aristocrat (b. 1603), from the Delaeos clan, and a follower of Ernalda. In 1622 she led the movement which deposed the pro-Lunar Queen, and became Queen of Nochet City.

Sarna Ya'qal

  • a Dragonewt tailed priest, who had contacted Our Heroes to deal with Yerezum Storn.

Sarostip Cold-Eye

  • born in 1572 (so age 54 in 1626), chosen as King of the Malani tribe circa 1624, cousin of the prior king, and chieftain of the Isolting clan (at Two Ridge Fort). He had been tribal king previously, as well. A famous Humakti warrior, with lots of geasa. Ambitious, and hopes to be High King someday. One eye has a "death" ability; he's an expert on the Underworld, having taken part in many quests. 


  • an urchin orphan living in New Pavis, he's a lay member of Lanbril.

Savan Kenstrelsson

  • a Storm Voice, and chief of the Orlmarth tribe. He is a passionate supporter of Kallyr Starbrow.

Senela Goldenroot

  • the envoy from the Rockwoods to the court of King Errap at Elkoi, starting at the end of 1631.


  • an initiate of Yelmalio/Elmal, and a recent initiate to Orlanth; he's a member of the Taraling clan. His father Verinos died in 1625 of disease caused by Mallia cultists. Normally found at Runegate. An arrogant man, frowning constantly, and jealous of the acclaim others might gain. A fact known to very few: Baugi and Lagertha are his (illegitimate) half-cousins.  (if Morgan has his geneology right) 


  • a powerful Humakti hero, spirit, ghost, or perhaps a demi-god; he enforces the rules on dueling at Isle Dangerous, in The Creek next to Dangerford. Besides Humakti runes, he bears an Arkat rune on his forehead.

Skalvarth Ironblossom


  • a leader of two boats of river-pirates/bandits on the Oslir River in Tarsh, and a Rune Lord of some pirate-bandit cult (not Ygg). He's wanted by the Tarshite government.

Skilfil Heartpiercer

  • king of the Dykene citadel, until Sea season 1627 YS; father of Karazar.

Slave To Lies

  • a Dragonewt translator, working for Sarna Ya'qal.

Sorah Goodseller

  • the Issaries priestess in Clearwine. Bargain skill 95%.

Soth Brightspear

  • a Sun Lord sent from the Ever-Victorious Glory temple to quell heresy at Dykene


  • a Lhankor Mhy scholar, and Issaries initiate, at Apple Lane. Age 51, of the Hiording clan. Bargain skill 60%.


  • mother of Robbi Two-braid and Tabith. Age 42 in 1625 YS, she's a servant at Runegate.

Stormwarden Birdwatcher

  • priest of Orlanth at Fair Jowl, and also priest of Orgorvale Summer

Sylvanthi Brighteyes

  • a priest of Yelmalio in Balazar, and a priest/shaman of Balazar; he disappeared from Dykene in 1622 YS.


  • a Chalanna Arroy initiate at Whitewall, age 19, the only sibling of Robbi Two-Braid. She has difficulty walking due to childhood malnutrition.

Taklong Woodheart

  • The high priest of Yelmalio at Elkoi, and senior priest of Yelmalio in Balazar. He's a quiet, old man who cares little for tribal rivalry within Balazar. He's very charismatic, and can certainly sway a crowd with his oratory; he's also an accomplished linguist.


  • the proprietor of a kettle-corn shop in Furthest, near the Uleria temple.

Tarkala the Lover

  • an Ernaldan priestess from Esrolia, and a companion of Argrath White-Bull. A very powerful and wise young woman, mistress of the Secrets of Life and Death.

Teren Jostavos

  • a kindly old man from Nochet, who very dearly loves cats; he became the priest of the new Pranna temple in Boldhome, starting in Sea Season 1630.


  • grand-mother of Treya, long dead. She may have been killed by trolls or Tusk Riders, or betrayed and trapped in the Underworld.

Thinelda Mith

  • daughter of the famous Issaries merchant Joh Mith; she's a leader of the Culbrea tribe.

Thom Bradison

  •  A silversmith, a lay member of Orlanth and a God Talker of Gustbran, and a member of a guild in Boldhome. Age probably around 40 or 50 years. He is married, with at least one child, a son who died several years ago. He blames Bronwyn and Sarawyn for the death of his son.

  • Not a wealthy man before the Lunar occupation, his business picked up tremendously when the Lunars arrived -- they needed silver jewelry, and silver items enchanted -- and he became very wealthy, a member of the City Ring, and a leader of the guildspeople of Boldhome, mediating their interests with the Lunar occupiers very successfully, gaining much popularity. Right after the Dragonrise, he suddenly became a supporter of Kallyr Starbrow, and played a major role in facilitating her seizure of Boldhome from the Lunar occupiers. He was reappointed by Kallyr to the city ring once she became Prince of Sartar.

  • With the failure of Kallyr's big heroquest in Sea Season of 1626, in which he had not been invited to participate due to some continued distrust, many other members of the ring died as well as the mayor, and Thom rose to the position of mayor.

  • Slain by a secret assassin, probably in Stasis Week, Storm Season 1627 YS.

Three-For-The-Price-Of-One Leadmug

  • a duck, and priest of Issaries at Duck Point in 1626. Bargain skill 95%.


  • an initiate of Uleria and the Seven Mothers, in service at the Uleria temple in Apple Lane. She's age 19 in 1625, from Red Fish in Peloria, and fled from Boldhome after the Dragonrise.


  • a Kyger Litor dark troll, chieftainess of a clan in the Troll Hills, within the Elder Wilds.

Tonalang Greathelm

  • a famous Storm Bull, "King Storm Khan" of the cult within Sartar before Starbrow's Rebellion. He, and most of the Storm Bull cult, were wiped out by the Lunars in the wake of the rebellion.


  • innkeeper of Geo's Horsing Around Inn at Queen's Post.

Tosti Runefriend

  • a Sartarite Lhankor Mhy priest at the Jonstown Library, from the Torkani tribe, and companion to Argrath since 1624. He's a widely-traveled heroquester (he's been to Kralorela); not many know that he is wise in the ways of God Learnerism.



  • a priestess of Ernalda, boastful and impulsive, but a skilled singer.


  • a Sartarite Issaries merchant, often seen at Queen's Post.


  • a smelly old man, priest of Eurmal at Clearwine; his particular Rune spell is Create Fine Clothing (a temporal spell). He's bonded to Asborn Four-born.

Turbakkis Dreen

  • General of the Provincial Army, appointed some time after the Dragonrise (not canonical in any way). He was in command during the Battle of Sword Hill (Sea Season of 1627). It's unknown if he escaped.


  • An assistant priestess at the Boldhome Ernalda temple. She's had at least one child, of course, but is apparently unmarried as of 1628. 

Valior Blue Fox

  • a Wind Lord of Orlanth, and a member of the Blue Fox clan of the Malani tribe; he's been traveling in distant lands for many years. He returns to Sartar in Storm Season 1626, and is chosen as clan chieftain.

Vamargic Eye-Necklace

  • a Great Troll revenant of surprising intelligence, child of Cave Trolls, and a member of the cult of Zorak Zoran. Sacked the remains of Korolstead, aka the Smoking Ruin. Rumored to have created jewelry from the body parts of enemies. A foe of Kajak-Ab Brain-Eater. Flourished in the 13th Century YS, and currently a strange form of ghost.


  • a veteran Vingan heavy cavalrywoman, of the Ernaldoring clan; she rides a bison.

Vasilos Sarazzi

  • a priest of Engizi at Nochet; he initiated Varsin into the cult.


  • a priestess at the Uleria temple at the Tarsh city of Furthest.


  • a warrior of the Flint Wind Bison tribe.

Verkus Portix

  • Dire Bell of the Silver Gate, Red Tribune, Senator Ex Officio, and Law Lion of Durbaddath. He's a High Judex, a fairly senior judge of the Lunar Empire.




  • a Wind Lord, and chieftain of the Anmangarn clan; he is loyal to the Black Spear, and to Queen Leika.


  • the redsmith at Farfield


  • an experienced cow-herd of the Varmandi clan.

Vonk Two-Oars

  • an Engizi cultist, who recruited Varsin for the Royal Office of Weights and Measures


  • queen of the Durulz tribe, with her palace at Duck Point.


  • Male Iron dwarf, from the city of Greatway in the Rockwood Mountains. He has been away from Greatway since about 1620. He has a long, bushy brown beard, and wears bronze scale armor and an iron helm; he bears a two-handed axe, and a repeating crossbow. His large backpack contains several dozen cans of dwarf food, some maintenance tools, and 110 clacks. Besides that, he has a canteen, dirty and ragged clothing, and a very sharp iron dagger.

    • While not a robot, his attitude is very hard to read; he speaks in a monotone voice. He's been chosen several times by Jarmast Food-Hardy to carry messages.


  • a Judex of the cult of Durbaddath, she had been looking into the origin of blacksap, but vanished mysteriously near the end of Dark Season in 1630, and was rescued by the Intriguers in 1631.

Yanioth Brandgorsdottir

  • formerly the High Priestess of Ernalda at Clearwine, but she retired and is now a priestess of Asrelia. Sister of Dunorl; Baranthos is her nephew.

Yolanda Pure-Skin

  • An amazingly pretty young Sartarite brunette woman, she is an associate priestess of Ernalda at the Earth temple in Boldhome. Her father, Broalbes, was an Orlanthi guild-member. 


  • a Balazaring hunter, employed as a guide by Soth Brightspear. He's a member of the Foundchild cult, accompanied by two hunting dogs.

Yrsa Nightbeam

  • queen of the Torkani, a follower of Deloradella (the "Dark Woman", basically a version of Kyger Litor for the Torkani tribe).


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